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Partnering with Nature for Fundamental Health - Multiple Sclerosis

Updated: Aug 17, 2022



Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive condition that has been labeled as an autoimmune disease that can lead to pain, numbness from nerve damage and possibly paralysis. The inflammation present that is causing the damage to the myelin sheath that insulates nerve cells has been hypothesized to be caused by an imbalance of the body's microbiome. In other words, MS can be interpreted as an inflammatory expression of microbiome imbalance. The microbiome is defined as the groups of micro-organisms that live in and on the body.

Our Microbiome

As human beings, our neurologic capacity begins with our connection to the is estimated that we have 50 to 70 trillion human cells, which pale in comparison to the 1.4 quadrillion bacteria and 10 quadrillion fungi inside our bodies. 40,000 species of bacteria, 300,000 species of parasites, 100s of thousands of species of protozoa, 3.5 million species of fungi - that is the center of human health - Zach Bush, M.D.

Viruses are not technically alive and therefore not considered part of the microbiome. However a discussion of our microbiome cannot ignore viruses. There are more than a trillion viruses present in a human body. Viruses communicate genetic transcriptions to our cells through other microbes within out bodies. The genetic information supports our bodies to adapt and evolve.

In a recent webinar titled 'Virome', Dr. Bush tells us that more than 50% of the 20,000 human genes were inserted and preserved into human DNA by viruses. At least 8% of the human 20,000 genes was inherited by RNA retroviruses. Viral communication is simply an update to our internal “software.”

This information is relevant because a recent article in the Scientific American published on Jan 13, 2022 reports on recent findings by researchers at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School that the presence of Epstein-Barr virus is found to trigger MS.

My favorite expert on the Epstein Barr Virus is the Medical Medium. There is an epidemic sweeping across the world now from the Epstein Barr Virus which is responsible for mystery illnesses in every category. 225 million people in the US out of 320 million have some form of EBV.

When one receives the diagnosis of any disease, it doesn't point to a sudden attack of a microbe or virus. According to Dr. Zach Bush, we are vulnerable to the opportunistic microbes and viruses when there is a collapse in our fundamental human health that is intimately tied to Mother Nature that we have evolved closely with over millions of years. The rapid growth in autoimmune diseases in the modern world is due to our disconnect and isolation from nature.

Some possible reasons for an imbalanced microbiome are:

  • history of microbiome imbalance in mother and father when birthed through the vaginal canal

  • born through c-section

  • fed formula instead of breastmilk

  • regular antibiotic use

  • regular swimming in heavily chlorinated pools

  • isolation from nature - little to no bare-foot walking on earth, little to no interaction of hands in healthy soil, little to no interaction with animals

  • eating genetically-modified crops heavily-sprayed with Glyphosate

  • eating non-organic foods that have pesticide spray

  • excessive intake of sugar

  • eating foods that do not agree with your body's genetic preferences

  • chronic stress

Young Living (YL) Essential Oils Strategies

It is recommended to follow the strategies below for at least 4 months. Please be patient with yourself as it took many years for your body to develop MS and there are many layers of your body in which it is manifesting. I am here to help you adapt to a lifestyle change that suits your schedule and brings more peace and fulfillment to your life.

MS Daily Regimen*

  1. Apply neat 4-6 drops of Helichrysum, Geranium, Juniper, Sandalwood, Rosemary and Peppermint Raindrop-style along the spine. Lightly massage oils in the direction of the MS paralysis. For example if is in the lower part of the spine, massage down; if it is in the upper part of the spine, massage up. Follow the application with 30 minutes of cold packs (change cold packs as needed).

  2. Apply 4-6 drops of Valor on the spine. If the MS affects the legs, rub down the spine. If it affects the neck, rub up the spine.

  3. Apply 2-3 drops each of Cypress, Sandalwood and Marjoram to the back of the neck and then cover with 2-3 drops of Aroma Siez.

  4. Use Acceptance on the alarm points for the following emotions: Disapproval, Don't Belong, Embarrassed, Insecurity, Misperception, Sorrow

  5. Use Awaken on the alarm points for the following emotions: Connecting Inter-dimensionally, Expansion, Hopelessness

  6. Receive Raindrop Technique 3-4 times monthly (Book here under the Scentsible Touch category if you are on Oahu, HI)

  7. Use the MS Blend throughout the day - 1-3 drops on the brain reflex points on the forehead, temples and mastoids just behind the ears.

MS Blend

In a 5 ml bottle, add:

16 drops Geranium

16 drops Rosemary

8 drops Helichrysum

8 drops Juniper

Fill bottle up with V-6 carrier oil

Inflammatory Support

  1. Take Probiotics daily - YL's Life 9 3 capsules a day, YL's MightyPro, fermented foods, fermented drinks

  2. Drink organic carrot juice 3-5 times a week

  3. Drink YL's Golden Turmeric drink once a day

  4. YL Citrus or Cinnamon CBD 1,000 mg 1 dropper at night and 1 in morning

  5. YL Ningxia Red - 2oz everyday

Epstein-Barr Essential Oils Regimen*

  1. 1 capsule Exodus II 3 times a day with food

  2. 1 capsule Melrose 3 times a day with food

  3. 3 Life 9 1 time a day (probiotic)

  4. 3 MightyPro1 time a day (probiotic)

  5. Receive a Raindrop Technique weekly with Immupower, Thieves, Exodus II and the oils of Raindrop Technique (Book here under the Scentsible Touch category if you are on Oahu, HI)

Dietary and Supplement Strategies

  • No sugar. Fruit, honey and stevia are ok.

  • Eat gluten free

  • Eat vegan meals at least once or twice a day, and adding seaweed, spirulina and/or chlorophyll- rich supplements such as YL's Multigreen

  • Add Wild Blueberries into your meals

  • YL Omegize and YL Mindwise everyday

  • YL Super B, YL Mineral Essence, YL Sulfurzyme everyday

  • Drink herbal teas such as Nettles and OatStraw everyday

  • Drink organic veggie juices 3-5 times a week, especially carrot juice and celery juice.

  • Drink lots of good, filtered water.

Lifestyle Strategies

  • Walk barefoot on Earth daily

  • Sit with Mother Nature and meditate

  • Create from a nourished heart by living in tune with the cycles of the Moon

  • Bare your Soul to a journal, in prayer and/or to a loving pet often

  • Move your body to your internal rhythm through dance, yoga, qi gung, martial arts or a sport

  • Minimize your exposure to manmade EMFs by turning off your Wifi and cell phone at night. Consider wearing crystal jewelry or use other protective devices.

  • Important: It is best to avoid heating your body through hot towel packs or saunas. Opt for cold packs and cryotherapy.

Additional Resources (besides all the links above)

*The Essential Oils Desk Reference, 8th Edition, Life Science Publishing

The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Any testimonials on this web site are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results. Please view our full Terms Of Use Agreement for more information and the terms and conditions governing your use of this site.

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